2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية: التقديمات الحديثة
الآن تُعرض المواد 1 -- 20 من 1153
Theoretical Problems in Regional Income Accounting/المشاكل النظرية في حساب الدخل الإقليمي
(Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)This paper addresses the challenges faced in regional planning in Turkey, particularly in the Bursa region. Although the importance of regional planning as an adjunct to national planning is recognized, the lack of accurate ... -
Adjusting Depreciation for Price Changing in the National Accounts in Turkey/تعديل الاستهلاك بسبب تغير الأسعار في الحسابات الوطنية في تركيا
(Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)This paper addresses the issue of adjusting depreciation for price changes in the Turkish national accounts. It raises two main questions: first, whether the lack of data necessary for a correct depreciation adjustment ... -
Capital Formation in Pakistan/ تكوين رأس المال في باكستان
(Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)One of the major aims of economic policy in Pakistan has been to accelerate the pace of capital formation in the country. According to estimates prepared by the Planning Commission, the rate of gross investments in both ... -
National Income Accounting in Pakistan/ حسابات الدخل القومى في باكستان
(Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)I. Historical Background i) Pre-partition: Several estimates are available for pre-partition India, but few are systematic and reliable. These estimates emphasize measuring national income rather than integrating ... -
Measurement of Real National Income in Pakistan
(Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)The official estimates of real national income of Pakistan by pakistan by industrial origin for the years 1949/50 to 1960/61 are shown in the enclosed Table I. These have been computed by the Central Statistical Office. ... -
An Estimate of National Expenditure of Pakistan 1960/61
(Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)Since Independence, no estimate of national expenditure of Pakistan has been made. Out of all the conventional estimates included in National Accounts, only one table containing the estimate of National Product of Pakistan ... -
New Elements in Financing Investments in Socialist Countries
(INP, 1966-05) -
البرنامج التدريبي طويل الاجل لموظفي وزارة الادارة المحليـــــــة قياس الدخل القومى
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1966-02) -
البرنامج التدريبي طويل الاجل لموظفي وزارة الادارة المحلية الاقتصاد الكلى
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1966-02) -
(INP, 1966-01) -
Theory of Interpolation
(INP, 1966-01) -
اللامركزية من اجل التنمية القومية والمحلية
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1966-01) -
Subject Guide to the Memos of the Institute of National Planning.
(INP, 1965-12) -
دليل الدوريات بمركز الوثائق بمعهد التخطيط القومي
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965) -
Les Budget D'Etat de la R.A.U Development Classification
(The Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)L'evolution récente du facteur financier-comme nous le savons bien-a fait sortir la politique financiere de son cadre libéral à l'interieur duquel elle était contenue par d'etroites limites d'une simple gestion des ... -
Les Evaluation Du Revenu National Dans La Republique Arabe Unie
(The Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)Dans la Republique Arabe Unie, des tentatives priveés de calcul du revanu national et des autres quantités glabales ont été effe- ctueés depuis 1922. Toutefois, ce n'est qu'à partir de 1954 que ces travaux qui sont restés ...