2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 1263
Digital Computer Systems/أنظمة اجهزة الكمبيوتر (الحاسبات ) الرقمية
(INP, 5-1968.)This study is addressed to engineers and scientists who want to know about the performance of digital computers, as well as to businessmen and managers who are mainly concerned with their economic aspects. It is written ... -
On Estimating Lot Size for a Variable Life Time Stock Items/حول تقدير حجم الكمية بالنسبة لعناصر المخزون المتغير مدى الحياة
(INP, 1968)We want to estimate the number of micrometers to be kept in stock to fulfill inspection needs for a period of five years, assuming: We always need 12 micrometers in simultaneous operation. The lifetime of the micrometers ... -
تحديد مستوي الطلب الفعال / Determining the Level of Effective Demand
(معهد التخطيط القومي, 1962-03-01)تعتبر فكره " الطلب العمال " البدايه المنطقية لدراسة نظرية التوظف والدخل القومى كما عرضها كينز في كتابه " النظرية العامة للتوظف والفائدة والنقود ومستوى الانتاج والتوظف يتوقفان على طلب المجتمع على مجموع السلع والخدمــــــــــــات ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part III : Planning of Productive Capacity)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الثالث: تخطيط الطاقة الإنتاجية)
(INP, 1965-12)This study addresses the planning of productive capacity, starting with the definition of capacity concepts and their significance in enhancing industrial efficiency. It discusses the procedures for calculating productive ... -
Manpower and Economic Development in Nigeria/ القوى العاملة والتنمية الاقتصادية في نيجيريا
(The Institute of National Planning, 1962-01-01)Economic planning has become almost universal in the less developed countries of the world. It is considered that only in this way can the centuries of economic and social poverty be rapidly overcome, so as to ensure decent ... -
Manpower Planning and Training Topics for Consideration/ مواضيع التخطيط والتدريب للقوى العاملة للنظر فيها
(The Institute of National Planning, 1961-01-01)The following note presents a short review of the design of National Accounts that was adopted over the period from 1955 up to the end of 1960 at the national planning commission. In reading the following pages, the ... -
دلیل ببليوجرافي لبحوث الدورات التدريبية طويلة الاجل بمعهد التخطيط القوم في الفترة -١٩٦٧/٦٢
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1968-04) -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part II: Investigation of demand and market)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الثاني: دراسة الطلب والسوق)
(INP, 1965-11)This study discusses the procedures of production planning, focusing on the investigation of demand and market. It begins by identifying the contents of the investigation, aiming to understand consumer needs and market ... -
Selected Bibliography on Financing of Development and Related Fields/ ببليوجرافيا ( فهرس مراجع ) مختارة عن تمويل التنمية والمجالات المتصلة بها
(The Institute of National Planning, 1968-03-01)Since its establishment, the Documentation Center of the Institute of National Planning realized the importance of bibliographical tools as an integral part of economic and social research. On the occasion of the Course ... -
Notes in The Inventory Theory/ ملاحظات في نظرية المخزون
(INP, 1968-04)nventories are stocks of goods stored for specific reasons, despite the storage costs and the capital that could be invested elsewhere. There are various reasons for maintaining inventories. Often, they are held due to ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part I: Instruments and Indicators)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الأول: الأدوات والمؤشرات)
(INP, 1965-11)This study discusses the importance of industrial development in the national economy, highlighting its vital role in promoting economic growth and creating job opportunities. It addresses the instruments and indicators ... -
On The Critical Path Method (C.P.M) and its Application in the G.D.R/عن طريقة المسار الحرج (C.P.M) وتطبيقها في جمهورية ألمانيا الديمقراطية
(The Institute of National Planning, 1968)Network models and methods are primarily used for flow and time planning of complex processes. Decision-making relies on sequencing problems, as these processes involve the simultaneous or successive flow of partial ... -
On The Planning Method "PERT" and its Application in the GDR/عن طريقة التخطيط "PERT" وتطبيقها في جمهورية ألمانيا الديمقراطية
(The Institute of National Planning, 1968-03-01)Stochastic models of network techniques are based on a network that illustrates the flow of the overall process and its partial processes. This network is prepared similarly to the critical path method. However, there are ... -
An Introduction to Digital Computers/ (مقدمة في اجهزة الكمبيوتر ( الحواسيب الرقمية)
(INP, 4-1968.)For many scientists, engineers, and researchers in the U.A.R., the high-speed digital computer is an unknown entity. Until 1960, when the computer system was installed at the National Institute for Research, the chances ... -
An Introduction to Digital Computers/مقدمة في الحواسيب الرقمية
(The Institute of National Planning, 1968-04-01)For many scientists, engineers, and researchers in the U.A.R., the high-speed digital computer is an unknown entity. Until 1960, when the computer system was installed at the National Institute for Research, the chances ... -
On The Planning Method "PERT" and its Application in the GDR/حول طريقة التخطيط ”PERT“ وتطبيقها في جمهورية ألمانيا الديمقراطية
(INP, 3-1968.)Stochastic models of network techniques are based on a network that illustrates the flow of the overall process and its partial processes. This network is prepared similarly to the critical path method. However, there are ... -
الانتاج العالمي للبقول و انتاجها في مصر و البلاد العربية/Global Production of Pulses and Their Production in Egypt and Arab Countries.
(معهد التخطيط القومي, 1968-04-01)لتزمنا بالمنهج التاريخي والمنهج الوصفي في استقراء وتفسير النتائج الإحصائية المتاحة، ولا زلنا نلاحظ النقص الكبير في الدراسات الوصفية المتعمقة وعدم وضوح التطور والاتجاه العام اللذين يُستخدمان كأساس للتخطيط. في المجال الجغرافي، ... -
Applications of Dynamic Programming on Simple Economic Problems/تطبيقات البرمجة الديناميكية لحل المشكلات الاقتصادية البسيطة
(INP, 2-1968)This memo complements Memo No. 783 and demonstrates the application of dynamic programming to solve two economic problems: resource allocation and optimal economic planning. While the problems are presented in general ... -
Notes in The Inventory Theory/ ملاحظات في نظرية المخزون
(The Institute of National Planning, 1968-04)Inventories are stocks of goods stored for specific reasons, despite the storage costs and the capital that could be invested elsewhere. There are various reasons for maintaining inventories. Often, they are held due to ... -
تأثير التخلف في التخطيط الاقتصادي/The impact of underdevelopment in economic planning
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-10)يتناول الموضوع خلفية التخطيط الاقتصادي، حيث يُستعرض تطور التنمية في مرحلة ما قبل التخطيط وأهمية وضع أسس عملية التخطيط. يُشير إلى تأسيس "مجلس التنمية" باعتباره مركزًا مفاوضًا رئيسيًا في مجال المعونات، مما يعكس الحاجة المتزايدة ...