Practical Problems of Investment: Planning and Financing // المشاكل العملية للاستثمار: التخطيط والتمويل
This study addresses the issue of investment financing in practice, focusing on various financing modes such as loans, budgetary funding, or resources from enterprises and associations. The issue arises within the new economic system of planning and managing the national economy, which emphasizes value categories like cost, price, credit, and profits. This shift necessitates increased responsibility for enterprises in implementing the production process and investment expansion. The memorandum discusses the practical process of preparing and financing investments, highlighting the role of credit as a specific issue still under debate in many socialist countries.
This study addresses the issue of investment financing in practice, focusing on various financing modes such as loans, budgetary funding, or resources from enterprises and associations. The issue arises within the new economic system of planning and managing the national economy, which emphasizes value categories like cost, price, credit, and profits. This shift necessitates increased responsibility for enterprises in implementing the production process and investment expansion. The memorandum discusses the practical process of preparing and financing investments, highlighting the role of credit as a specific issue still under debate in many socialist countries.
This study addresses the issue of investment financing in practice, focusing on various financing modes such as loans, budgetary funding, or resources from enterprises and associations. The issue arises within the new economic system of planning and managing the national economy, which emphasizes value categories like cost, price, credit, and profits. This shift necessitates increased responsibility for enterprises in implementing the production process and investment expansion. The memorandum discusses the practical process of preparing and financing investments, highlighting the role of credit as a specific issue still under debate in many socialist countries. / / تتناول هذه الدراسة مسألة تمويل الاستثمارات في الممارسات العملية، مع التركيز على وسائل التمويل المختلفة مثل القروض، التمويل من الميزانية، أو من موارد المؤسسات والجمعيات. تنبع هذه المسألة من النظام الاقتصادي الجديد للتخطيط وإدارة الاقتصاد الوطني، الذي يعطي أهمية متزايدة لفئات القيمة مثل التكلفة، السعر، الائتمان، والأرباح. يؤدي ذلك إلى تعزيز مسؤولية المؤسسات في تنفيذ عملية الإنتاج والتوسع الاستثماري. يناقش المذكرة عملية إعداد وتمويل الاستثمارات، مع تسليط الضوء على دور الائتمان كمشكلة خاصة قيد المناقشة في العديد من الدول الاشتراكية.