عرض سجل المادة البسيط

dc.contributor.authorعاطف السيد
dc.description.abstractتتناول الدراسة إعادة التوزيع الإقليمي للدخل القومي ودور الميزانية فيه في اقتصاد اشتراكي. وتقوم فلسفة إعادة التوزيع على مبدأ أن نمو الإنتاج الاجتماعي يستهدف تحسين ظروف الحياة للأفراد العاملين، مما يتطلب أن يحصل كل عامل على ما يتناسب مع مساهمته في الإنتاج. economy. Redistribution is defined as a planned process aimed at changing the initial structure of national income distribution to achieve a new structure that meets the economic and social goals necessary for economic growth. The distribution of income among different regions is determined by the characteristics and economic and social structure of the state. In a socialist economy, the plan updates the ratios and trends of this distribution in line with the targeted rate and form of economic growth. The philosophy of redistribution is based on the principle that the growth of social production aims to improve the living conditions of working individuals, requiring that each worker receives compensation commensurate with their contribution to production.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study examines the regional redistribution of national income and the role of the budget in a socialist economy. The philosophy of redistribution is based on the principle that the growth of social production is aimed at improving the living conditions of working people, which requires that each worker should receive what is commensurate with his contribution to production.
dc.publisherمعهد التخطيط القوميen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesسلسلة مذكرات خارجية;950
dc.relation.ispartofseriesسلسلة مذكرات خارجية;
dc.titleالميزانية و اعادة التوزيع الاقليمي للدخل القومي بالجمهورية العربية المتحدة/Budget and Regional Redistribution of National Income in the U.A.Ren_US

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عرض سجل المادة البسيط