An Estimate of National Expenditure of Pakistan 1960/61
Since Independence, no estimate of national expenditure of Pakistan has been made. Out of all the conventional estimates included in National Accounts, only one table containing the estimate of National Product of Pakistan by industrial origin at constant prices has been prepared and published. Deficiency of source data has been a major handicap in the preparation of other tables. with recent strees on planned economic development of the country, it has become imperative to have information on all the economic factors covered by National Accounts. The Planning Commission of the Government of Pakistan which is responsible for the formulation of development plans has already experienced the difficulty in its task for want of statistical data and the Commission has in both the, First and the Second Five-Year Plans referred to the non-availability of statistical information and its consequence to the plans. With a future programme of long-term economic planning, Pakistan cannot afford to be deficient in statistical data any longer. Efforts are, therefore, being made to prepare all estimates on National Accounts. With the estimates of National Product available, the next important information required for economic planning is an estimate of National Expenditure and its composition. The estimates of National Expenditure contained in this paper represent the author's exercise as a member of the Economic Research Section of the Planning Commission. It needs special emphasis that these estimates may not necessarily be recognized by the Planning Commission, as official estimates. Only the author himself is responsible for the inaccuracy or inconsistency of these estimates.