Information Retrieval; And Its Potential For Progress Of Research In The U.A.R.
عرض/ افتح
Mongy, Mohamed A.
Elewa, Aida M.
واصفات البيانات
عرض سجل المادة الكاملالخلاصة
This is the first report prepared jointly between the Operations Research Center, Institute of National Planning, and the National Information and Documentation Center, Ministry of Scientific Research, as a result of the effort carried out by the group.
The purpose of this study has two dimensions. The first is to acquaint and train a group of Scientists in the field of documentation and information retrieval about the present state of information and documentation techniques from the theoretical points of view as well as from the equally important applications, examplified in this first case with the equipment available at the Operations Research Center.
The second dimension is to stimulate a deeper consciousness among governmental, academic and industrial institutions about potentialities of information, information retrieval techniques and their important role in the development process and particularly in the progress of science and technology which is the bulwark of the national economy.
The joint cooperation between both institutions in the field of information retrieval is a pioneering and rewarding experience. This example should be continued between the two institutions and also should be followed among other institutions interested in the information retrieval field.
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عرض الملفات ذات الصلة بواسطة: العنوان، المؤلف، المنشئ والموضوع.
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