اقتصاديات الإشتراكية - الجزء الرابع
يحسن أن نتعرف على خصائص الاقتصاد الإشتراكى قبل أن نعرض لملامح التخطيط فيه.
يطلق النظام الإشتراكى عادة على أى تركيب اجتماعى تتوفر له الخصائص التالية: الملكية الاجتماعية لوسائل الإنتاج - العمل معيار توزيع الناتج القومى- اتباع الحاجات الاجتماعية - التخطيط الاقتصادى The study explored the concept of economic planning and its types across different economic systems, including capitalism and socialism. It focused on the characteristics of economic processes in capitalism and the role of planning in achieving development. It examined the features of socialist economies and the objectives of socialist planning while highlighting differences between planned and unplanned economies. The study also discussed centralized and decentralized planning systems and provided insights into the decentralized decision-making system. Economic planning methods, such as partial planning and goal-oriented approaches, were addressed, along with the classification of plans into long-term, medium-term, and short-term. The study concluded by emphasizing the importance of organization and the role of planning bodies in achieving economic objectives.