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Economic and Environmental Impacts of Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste as an alternative Source of Energy In Egypt

dc.contributor.authorمحمد, محمد عطية محمد
dc.contributor.authorMohamed Attia Mohamed Mohamed
dc.description.abstractهذه الدراسة عنيت بتوضيح الاثار الاقتصادية والبيئية لاستخدام المخلفات البلدية كمصدر بديل للطاقة فى مصر، وذلك لدعم اتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية بشأن سياسات الطاقة لتوفير مصادر بديلة للطاقة فى إطار التنمية المستدامة.en_US
dc.description.abstractSolid waste management is considered as one of the major environmental issues of concern to all countries at the moment, where it affects the public health, social status as well as the related economic returns. Study problem: There are two correlated problems; the first is the improper management of the increasing quantities of municipal solid waste resulting from daily human activities and the second is the problem of meeting the demand for energy as a result of the limited available resources from fossil fuels and lack of investment in the field of finding alternatives of renewable energy sources
dc.publisherمعهد التخطيط القوميen_US
dc.subjectالتنمية المستدامةen_US
dc.titleالآثار الاقتصادية والبيئية لإستخدام المخلفات البلدية الصلبة كمصدر بديل للطاقة فى مصرen_US
dc.titleEconomic and Environmental Impacts of Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste as an alternative Source of Energy In Egypt

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