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The Benefit of Restructuring Insurance Sector "Field Analytical Study"

dc.contributor.authorMoharam ElHaddad
dc.contributor.authorمحرم الحداد
dc.contributor.otherحسام مندور
dc.contributor.otherإيمان أحمد الشربيني وأخرون
dc.descriptionإصدار أكتوبر
dc.descriptionيشتمل على إرجاعات ببليوجرافية.ar
dc.description165 ص. ؛ar
dc.description.abstractيجد المطلع على أحوال صناعة التأمين فى مصر أنها تواجه العديد من التحديات أبرزها محدودية سوق التأمين ومعوقات تسويق الخدمات التأمينية وإرتفاع أسعار التأمين مما أدى لرفع القسط التأميني عن السعر العادل مع ضعف الوعي التأميني لدى المجتمع ونقص الكوادر الفنية.ar
dc.description.abstractInsurance industry in Egypt faces several challenges such as: limitation of the insurance market, impediments of the insurance services marketing, increasing prices, in addition to the lack of insurance awareness and technical staff. To overcome these challenges, reassessing and restructuring the four insurance companies are given a great interest. The study found that there is an agreement on the necessity of the restructuring for the insurance sector to overcome the problems it faces.Some companies have begun to do that actually. Also, there is an agreement on the importance of merging between insurance companies, but the merging process should have enough time to get its benefits. So, the merging process should not be accelerated unless there is a complete and comprehensive restructuring to the merged companies whether humanly or fiscally. Although the Egyptian re-insurance company achieve high earnings and has a distinct and strong position in the Egyptian market, the Egyptian insurance market still needs a complete coverage.
dc.publisherمعهد التخطيط القومي،ar
dc.relation.ispartofseriesسلسلة قضايا التخطيط والتنمية ؛
dc.subjectالتأمين الإجتماعي.ar
dc.subjectالمسح التأميني.ar
dc.titleجدوى إعادة هيكلة قطاع التأمين : دراسة تحليلية ميدانيةar
dc.titleThe Benefit of Restructuring Insurance Sector "Field Analytical Study"

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