استعرض حسب الموضوع "planning"
الآن تُعرض المواد 1 -- 20 من 36
The Application of Linear Programming Models for Planning the Optimal Structure of Foreign Trade
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1989-08-01)We always consider such models as auxiliary instruments for planning. A model even highly-sophisticated, is without any use, if the expert or the planner has not elaborated on it in the correct lines, e.g. when determining ... -
basic principles of the economic system of planning and managing of national economy in socialist countries
(the institute of national planning, 1964-10)before starting with explanation of special problems of industrial planning in socialist countries, this memo .deals with the basic principles of the economic system of planning and managing the national economy in socialist ... -
Economic Policy and Planning in the Hungarian `s People Republic
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)The study explores the evolution of the concepts of plan, planning, planning systems, and planned economy in international political-economic literature and economic management practices. It highlights the varied interpretations ... -
estimation of needs and demands for health services and formulation of the health plan
(the institute of national planning, 1975-08)good health is one of an individual's most highly prized possessions. it is a deep and intimate concern. it stands first and foremost as something to be preserved in its own right. regardless of variations in cultural ... -
evaluation of investment efficiency in czechoslovakia
(the institute of national planning, 1976-11)evaluation of investment projects is one of the essential elements of investment planning. criteria and methodology applied significantly influence the decision-making of all the institutions involved in investment ... -
the experience of socialist countries (especially of czechoslovakia) with monetary planning from aspect of savings
(the institute of national planning, 1975-05)all the socialist countries have gained a lot of experience in monetary planning and to a certain degree in planning of savings. at the same account there are some specific features of the development in monetary sphere ... -
fife model in french planning
(the institute of national planning, 1976-04)the word mixed economy applies only partly to the french to the situation: for the productive sector is mostly operating under the general conditions of a free competitive system, as the majority of firms are private-owned ... -
Health Services Marketing
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1972-02-01)During more than 60 years in which marketing has been studied seriously in universities, research institutions, business enterprises and government agencies, researchers have gradually clipped away our ignorance about the ... -
hospital layout as a quadratic assignment problem
(the institute of national planning, 1975-09)the problem of locating hospital departments so as to minimize the total distance travelled by patients could be formulated as a quadratic assignment problem, in this paper we discuss some practical considerations of the problem. -
Imports Requirement For Exports Plan/متطلبات الواردات لخطة الصادرات
(INP, 1965-08)The study provides an introduction to a specific model aimed at analyzing import requirements within the framework of an export plan. It starts by presenting the basic model that illustrates the relationships between imports ... -
Information Systems for Planning and Control./ / أنظمة المعلومات للتخطيط والرقابة.
(INP, 1965-05-01)Information progresses are classified in two categories "self contained" and "data base" and at is pointed out that although the ones belonging to the first category are by and large less important to management, they are ... -
leadership and attitude formation on egypt,s modernization
(the institute of national planning, 1975-10)constraints of societal modernization were studied at both institutional level. articulated as foreign involvement in conflicts, and the personality viewed as a system of behaviour ,studied within the limited context of ... -
Manpower Planning in Egypt
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1972-01-01)Labor force occupies a central role in the productive process. Lands and capital are essential for production, yet it is the human factor that gives them such essential value. Hence, manpower development is a major target ... -
Methods of Planning the Rise of the Standard of Living in U.R.SS / أ ساليب التخطيط لرفع مستوى المعيشةالاتحاد السوفيتى
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1963-05-08)This text explores living standards as a complex social category influenced by economic and natural factors, alongside social systems and national characteristics. Soviet state plans outline indices reflecting the material ... -
a model to develop Egyptian agriculture to solve the problem of unemployment and low per capital income in Egyptian agriculture
(The institute of national planning., 1982-01)this paper describes research into an optimization model for Egyptian agriculture using computerized linear programming techniques which could greatly increase labour absorption,whilst requiring very little capital, and ... -
monetary theories of interest in the sixties:a survey
(the institute of national planning, 1975-12)during the last decade,monetary theories of interest continued to develop into two main parts. one is the theory of the rate of interest. another is the theoretical and empirical controversy over the term structure of ... -
Planning and Necessary Changes
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1973-03-01)Planning of national development has become widespread: all the third world countries, since the second world war and since the achievement of independence. -
planning financial flows in the egyption banking sector
(the institute of national planning, 1976-08)the egyptian banking sector was completely nationalized in 1961. a search is going on to establish the sector's mode of operation under the new circumstances. resources mobilized and created by banks are to be utilized to ... -
planning in hungary
(the institute of national planning, 1977-05)the postwar result of the hungarian economy are closely linked to the development of national planning. the first three-year plan guided the reconstruction of the economy it repaired war damage and regained the prewar level ... -
Planning manpower and Education with an equilibrium and decision model
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1975-05-01)We need rules for allocating efficiently both manpower and education services. And we would like that our plan could give us some incentives for inducing people to join the right jobs. So we have to build up a general ...