Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • computer package programs for mathematical programming techniques to solve linear programming models 

      el-daoushy, abdalla (The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-01)
      In developing the simplex algorithm, G. Daunting made use of the classical Gauss-Jordan elimination method which is families to anyone solved a system of linear equations. 'The key idealistic a multiple of one equation and ...
    • full description of a convex polyhedron 

      omar, amani (the institute of national planning, 1976-09)
      programming problem have first arisen in the economics where optimal allocation of scarce resources has long been of interest to-economists. the optimal allocation problem is one of the oldest problem in formal economic ...
    • Multi-Parametric linear programming 

      hamza, Abdel-Kader (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-10)
      It is expected that the programming techniques that will be useful resolve. different problems in different fields will differ from the classical techniques. Since the increase computer capability will enable to develop ...
    • principal components application to regression models 

      khorshid, motaz (The Institute Of National Planning., 1982-01)
      The purpose of this paper is# two fold. First to evaluate the use of principal components in conventional regression problems. Second, to design and implement a computer program tackling this type of problems. The modular ...

      Who we are

      Institute of National Planning (INP) was established by Law No. 231 of 1960 as a think-tank public institution with an independent legal personality to enhance the theory and practice of planning in Egypt through: research, training and educational activities. Also, INP aims at providing technical support to Ministry of Planning, as well as to all national ministers and institutions, through spreading a culture of planning in Egyptian society.

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