Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • Branch-and-bound revisited: a survey of basic concepts and their applications in scheduling 

      Elmaghraby, Salah E; Elshafei, Alwalid N. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1977-12)
      The term "branch-and-bound" (B&B) has increasingly become a household term among students and researchers in the field of scheduling and this chapter we shall take a fresh look at this approach and assess its ...
    • Development and the international order selected papers 

      Abdalla, Ismail Sabri (The Institute Of National Planning., 1977-10)
      Invited to speak about development planning in a seminar devoted to "survey for development", I felt embarresed. It was out of question to lecture such a distinguished audience about what development planning is and how ...
    • Foreign Trade Planning 

      Grote, Gerhard (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-04)
      Economic growth, equilibrium and effectivity of the economy as a whole are to a high extent influenced by the development of volume and structure of foreign trade. For this planning export and import as a part of national ...
    • the government role in development of the new industry countries 

      tourk, khairy A. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-02)
      Most developing nations suffer from balance of payments deficits and low rates of income growth.. Achieving simultaneous growth in income as well as improvement in the foreign sector represents one of the most difficult ...
    • impact of American foreign trade on smaller economies 

      montasser, saadia H. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1982-06)
      In a large economy like the American economy with total imports a small proportion of output it is expected a prior that major sources of inflation would be domestic rather than imported» It is further expected that the ...
    • Investment planning a proposed goal programming approach 

      montasser, saadia H. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-10)
      Several approaches to investment evaluation have proposed to consolidate the multiple objectives into a single aggregate criterion for evaluation. They did so by introducing the concept of a numeration. One of the objectives, ...
    • Methods of construction of the national plan 

      Kulczycki, Arek (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-10)
      The geographical structure of the plan shows the place of production of a given commodity, a planet, a town, a district, a country, a group of countries etc.
    • A model for the integration of health and nutrition planning 

      Correa, Hector; Hassouna, Wafik A. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-03)
      I numerous applications of mathematical techniques for decision-making to the administration of health facilities are available, covering a wide variety of questions dealing with localisation of health care facilities, use ...
    • philosophy, practice, and some problems of priority of regional cooperation 

      moustafa, ahmed moustafa (The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-03)
      The complicated, sensitive, and interrelated global economic. political, and social systems which underpin modern societies are hardly governable at present; and that they will maintain so unless and until, on the one hand, ...
    • production planning models and linear programming 

      Hamza, Abdel-Kader (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-11)
      In the practical application of Operations research plays the leaner programming methods the main roll in solving many applied problems. This is based on their practical simple applications and also on their simple solution ...
    • The role of the rate of exchange in the management of the socialist economy 

      Kulczycki, Marek (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-10)
      The aim of this paper is to prove that the economic authorities which manage the socialist economy must take into consideration the level of all the parameter / searing Norma / including the rate of exchange, as well as ...
    • solution methods for integer programming problems 

      Hamza, Abdel-Kader (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-12)
      Integer programming is an extension of linear programming, that is to say we begin by forgetting the integer requirement and solving the problem. If the solution has all variables of the integer form, we have found an ...
    • solution methods for integer programming problems 

      Hamza, Abdel-Kader (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-12)
      Integer programming is an extension of linear programming, that is to say we begin by forgetting the integer requirement and solving the problem. If the solution has all variables of the integer form, we have found an ...

      Who we are

      Institute of National Planning (INP) was established by Law No. 231 of 1960 as a think-tank public institution with an independent legal personality to enhance the theory and practice of planning in Egypt through: research, training and educational activities. Also, INP aims at providing technical support to Ministry of Planning, as well as to all national ministers and institutions, through spreading a culture of planning in Egyptian society.

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