Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • economies of scale in the Egyptian industry 

      nassef, el sayed (the institute of national planning, 1982-01)
      the aim of this paper is to apply the concept of economies of scale to the Egyptian industry. three activities were selected: textiles, steel,and fertilizers. for these same industrial activities, we have tried, in a ...
    • planning financial flows in the egyption banking sector 

      nassef, el sayed (the institute of national planning, 1976-08)
      the egyptian banking sector was completely nationalized in 1961. a search is going on to establish the sector's mode of operation under the new circumstances. resources mobilized and created by banks are to be utilized to ...
    • a program of action to rationalize the performance of the Egyptian steel industry (1975 - 1985) 

      nassef, el sayed (The institute of national planning., 1982-02)
      this study is motivated by an expertise report on the metallurgical industry in Egypt : Atkins planning, the expertise work was meant as a strategy for the development of the industry till 1985.

      Who we are

      Institute of National Planning (INP) was established by Law No. 231 of 1960 as a think-tank public institution with an independent legal personality to enhance the theory and practice of planning in Egypt through: research, training and educational activities. Also, INP aims at providing technical support to Ministry of Planning, as well as to all national ministers and institutions, through spreading a culture of planning in Egyptian society.

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