الآن تُعرض المواد 1 -- 5 من 5

    • computer package programs for mathematical programming techniques to solve linear programming models 

      el-daoushy, abdalla (The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-01)
      In developing the simplex algorithm, G. Daunting made use of the classical Gauss-Jordan elimination method which is families to anyone solved a system of linear equations. 'The key idealistic a multiple of one equation and ...
    • experimental optimization by stimulation technique 

      khopshid, motaz (The Institute Of National Planning., 1982-03)
      the attractive features that computer simulation offers, have encourage operation researchers and statisticians to improve its practice through the use of various statistical techniques to analyse the obtained results.
    • feasibility appraisal of damietta port project 

      farahat, A. M. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-02)
      As a result of the congestion-problem in.the Egyptian ports and the identified need for additional port capacities, the Ministry of Development and New Communities on behalf of the Egyptian Government, has requested in ...
    • an integrated frame - work for experimental investigation by simulation models 

      khorshid, motaz (The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-01)
      The use of computer simulation technique to conduct artificial experiments on numerical models of' complex systems, is an increasingly important tool in many disciplines today. Computer simulation offers many features that ...

      Saaty, T. L. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1964-01-05)
      in recent years, burgeoning technology has imposed its heavy demands on mathematics to provide tools and methods to formulate and solve a large and varies number of problems. even in pure mathematics one finds an adaptation ...