استعرض حسب المؤلف "Taha, Hamdy A."
Computer Application to the Solution of Inventory Methods / /تطبيق الحاسب الآلي في حل أساليب الجرد
Taha, Hamdy A.; Mongy, Mohamed A. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-01-01)This study aims to illustrate how computers are used in solving inventory models, with the TRA language employed to code these models for the IBM 1620 computer. The problem at hand is to determine the optimal quantity of ... -
Notes on Decision Theory 1- Decision Under Certainty / / ملاحظات حول نظرية القرار 1- اتخاذ القرار في ظل اليقين
Taha, Hamdy A. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-01-01)The study highlights ongoing efforts to shift decision-making processes from reliance on intuition or guesses to a foundation of careful analysis and empirical observation. It emphasizes the importance of adopting a ... -
Operations Research IV Parametric Programming/بحوث العمليات البرمجة البارامترية
Taha, Hamdy A. (INP, 1965-11)The optimality of the Simplex Method involves two main aspects. First, it must be shown that the iterations will eventually come to an end, meaning that all Zj−jZj−j will reach zero if a finite optimal solution exists. ... -
Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (Pert) with Computer Application / / تقنيات تقييم ومراجعة البرامج (بيرت) باستخدام تطبيقات الكمبيوتر
Taha, Hamdy A.; Mongy, Mohamed A. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-02-01)The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a modern planning tool developed by Americans to assist managers in better controlling their projects. It helps management achieve program objectives on time by identifying ...