استعرض حسب المؤلف "Boctor, Adel Louis"
The 1620 Basic Language Programming . Part ( I ) / لغة البرمجة الرئيسية 1620 لاجهزة الكمبيةتر . الجزء الاول.
Boctor, Adel Louis; Yehia, Mohammed (INP, 1967-04-14)This study focuses on the IBM 1620 computer, which has been widely used in Egypt over the past few years. It presents materials that we believe are sufficiently comprehensive for introductory computer training. Given the ... -
Classical Transportation Problem and Its Application in Iron-Ore Industry (UAR)/مشكلة النقل الكلاسيكية وتطبيقها في صناعة خام الحديد
Boctor, Adel Louis; Amer, Roshdi (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1966-05-14)This study addresses the classical transportation problem, offering a comprehensive overview and solutions. Chapter 1 introduces the topic, explores network representation, basic transportation theory, and solution methods, ...