some experience and problems of manpower planning / / بعض الخبرات والمشاكل في تخطيط القوى العاملة
Hochschule fur Okonomic, Berlin.
As representatives of a socialist country we fully support the state-ments of the Institute of National Planning, Cairo, made in their funda-mental background paper, that the question of manpower planning has recently been gaining in importance in the countries with a developed planned economy and in such states that seriously undertake the step by step introduction of planning. This process will no doubt continue in the future as well, so it will induce both theoreticians and practicians of economics to research and work more in this field,
It is true, according to experience planning starts with fixing some important index numbers as investments, production, national income etc.. it is, however, bound to develop further. The planning and realization of accelerated economic growth presupposes the planning of all elements of a labour process; hence it includes the planning of the most important productive force of society, the planning of man as a productive force in the labour process. We must always bear in mind that man designs new machines, sets up new plants, runs and carries out production. So long-term planning and providing qualified manpower respectively is a funda-mental prerequisite for accelerated economic growth.
The planned development of the national intelligentsia and of a staff of qualified manpower is also a major question of national sovereignty. A number of developing countries and my state, too, had to make the fol-owing experience: Certain imperialist states utilised their key positions in the training of qualified manpower and in filling qualified posts in order to disorganise the economies of developing countries, (e.g. Cuba, تؤكد هذه الوثيقة على أهمية التخطيط للقوى العاملة في الدول ذات الاقتصاد المخطط. مع تطور التخطيط الاقتصادي في هذه الدول، أصبح من الضروري تطوير تخطيط القوى العاملة كجزء أساسي من عملية النمو الاقتصادي المتسارع. يعكس التخطيط الاقتصادي الناجح الحاجة إلى تحديد عناصر متعددة مثل الاستثمارات والإنتاج والدخل الوطني، وكذلك التخطيط للقوى العاملة باعتبارها من القوى الإنتاجية الأساسية. يشير النص إلى أهمية تطوير الكوادر المؤهلة كشرط أساسي للنمو الاقتصادي المستدام ويذكر تجارب الدول النامية التي واجهت تدخلات إمبريالية تؤثر على تدريب الكوادر وتوظيفهم، مما يعوق نموها.