2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية: التقديمات الحديثة
الآن تُعرض المواد 61 -- 80 من 1197
دليل الدوريات بمركز الوثائق بمعهد التخطيط القومي
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965) -
Les Budget D'Etat de la R.A.U Development Classification
(The Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)L'evolution récente du facteur financier-comme nous le savons bien-a fait sortir la politique financiere de son cadre libéral à l'interieur duquel elle était contenue par d'etroites limites d'une simple gestion des ... -
Les Evaluation Du Revenu National Dans La Republique Arabe Unie
(The Institute of National Planning, 1962-08-01)Dans la Republique Arabe Unie, des tentatives priveés de calcul du revanu national et des autres quantités glabales ont été effe- ctueés depuis 1922. Toutefois, ce n'est qu'à partir de 1954 que ces travaux qui sont restés ... -
ارتفاع مستوى استهلاك الطعام وتغير هیکله بروسيا السوفيتية
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-11) -
(INP, 1965-11) -
Development Programming and Public Budgeting in U.A.R (Egypt)
(The Institute of National Planning, 1961-06-01)The purpose of this study is to examine the methods and procedures followed in preparing the State Budget in the U.A.R., with particular reference to two aspects. The first is to show the importance of the budget as an ... -
عوامل خاصة تؤثر فى التنمية الصناعية في المناطق النامية
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-11) -
دراسة نقدية لتخطيط القوى العاملة والتطور التعليمي فى أفريقيـــــــا
(INP, 1966-05) -
Operations Research IV Parametric Programming
(INP, 1965-11) -
Economic and Social Development Manpower Planning and Education
(The Institute of National Planning, 1962-01-01)I venture to make sono comments today not because of any claim to superior knowledge of the subject engaging your attention but because of realization of its great importance for our own planning efforts in India. The ... -
Social Insurance and Socioeconomic Development in UAR
(The Institute of National Planning, 1967-03-01)Social insurance programs are basically designed to alleviate the financial burden of the loss of income and expense resulting from premature death, disability, sickess, unemployment and old age. Therefore, social insurance ... -
Glossary of Econometric Terms
(INP, 1966-05) -
The Integration of The State Insurance into the Economic System of The German Democratic Republic
(The Institute of National Planning, 1970-03-01)The economic system of socialism is a system of the conscious use of the economic laws of socialism by the state under the leading of the perty of the working class. This includes the active participation of all workmen ... -
Characteristics of Finance in The Under Developed Countries
(The Institute of National Planning, 1970-03-01)The common characteristics of the financial systems in underdeveloped countries are: 1.The predominance, in the early stages, of foreign banks and of foreign influence in the financial mathers; 2.The intervention by ... -
Review on Research Activities Conducted At The Institute of National Planning Cairo With The Help of The Computer IBM 1620
(The Institute of National Planning, 1970-02-01)The utilization of computers in the preparation of national. development plans in U.AR. dates back to the early days of 1957 1.e. almost twelve years ago when the huge computers of today were still under the process of ... -
Reading in Public Administration A Synopsis of Relative Literature
(The Institute of National Planning, 1970-02-01)This publication is the first in a series of synopses of literature on various subjects in the field of Public Administration. This publication contains two reviews dealing with organization theory. In the first, the ... -
Analysis of Variance
(INP, 1965-12)