Lectures on Production Theory and Techniques/محاضرات في نظرية وتقنيات الإنتاج
This is the first draft of my lectures on 'Production Theory and Techniques' prepared on the suggestion of Professor Bent Hansen with whom I had the good fortune to teach the so-called Advanced Economic Theory. As Prof. Hansen so rightly pointed out, Production Theory forms the backbone of all Growth Theory and the Growth Models differ from each other according to the Production Function they use or imply. (There cannot be any growth theory without production theory). Thus the Production Theory, occupies the same or even more crucial position in the Post World War II Growth Era' as the Consumption Theory did in the Inter-War Business Cycles Era'. Unfortunately the pure economists cannot be expected to be at their best in Production Theory as they, along with statisticians, were in Consumption Theory. Any really worthwhile invention or discovery in Production Theory is more likely to come from engineers and physicists rather than from economists or econometricians. And it is for nought that the former group has been often more successful in programming and planning than the latter in the recent years These lectures cover various topics related to production theory and techniques, including: Micro-Physical Production Function: Analysis of productivity at the micro-level. Micro Cost Function: Exploring the relationship between production and costs. Aggregation of Micro-Production Functions: Methods to aggregate production functions at the macroeconomic level. Some Well-Known Production Functions and Their Properties: Examination of famous production functions like Cobb-Douglas and Leontief. Derivation of Production Function: Explanation of methods to derive production functions from data. Representation of Techniques of Production: Overview of different production techniques. Neutral vs. Non-Neutral Technological Progress: Comparison of different types of technological progress. Economic Representation of Technical Progress: Analysis of the economic impact of technical advancements. Discrete Production Functions: Study of production functions based on discrete steps. Additional clarifications and examples. تتناول هذه المحاضرات مجموعة من الموضوعات المتعلقة بنظرية الإنتاج وتقنياته، بما في ذلك: دالة الإنتاج المصغرة (Micro-Physical Production Function): ، تحليل إنتاجية الوحدات الصغيرة. دالة التكلفة المصغرة (Micro Cost Function): دراسة العلاقة بين الإنتاج والتكاليف. تجميع دوال الإنتاج المصغرة: طرق دمج دوال الإنتاج على مستوى الاقتصاد الكلي. دوال الإنتاج المعروفة وخصائصها: دراسة دوال الإنتاج المشهورة مثل Cobb-Douglas وLeontief.. اشتقاق دالة الإنتاج: شرح طرق اشتقاق دوال الإنتاج من البيانات. تمثيل تقنيات الإنتاج: عرض للتقنيات الإنتاجية المختلفة. التقدم التكنولوجي المحايد مقابل غير المحايد: مقارنة بين الأنواع المختلفة للتقدم التكنولوجي. التمثيل الاقتصادي للتقدم التقني: تحليل تأثير التقدم التقني على الاقتصاد. دوال الإنتاج المتقطعة: دراسة دوال الإنتاج التي تعتمد على خطوات منفصلة. توضيحات إضافية.