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dc.contributor.authorFoggon, G.
dc.description.abstractThe Federation of Nigeria has embarked on a bold and imaginative effort to create a national framework for development integrating the four development plans of the Federal Government and the three regional government into a comprehensive national development plan, to cost £676.5 millions, covering the period 1962-1968. The planned objectives of development are are the raising of general living standards and the achievement of a diversified and self-sustaining economy. These objectives, in turn, call for a rapid improvement in the supply of trained manpower, the improvement of agricultural production and accelerated industrial development. At the base of the structure of the national development plan, and fundamental to it, is an educational plan broadly based on the Ashby Com- mission Report on Post-Secondary Education.en_US
dc.publisherمعهد التخطيط القومىen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesسلسلة مذكرات خارجية رقم (417);
dc.titleManpower Problems (General)en_US

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