اقتصاديات الإشتراكية - الجزء الأول / / Economics of Socialism - Part One
يعتبر موضزع هذه الدراسة"اقتصاديات الإشتراكية" موضوعا واسعا اتساع علم الاقتصاد السياسى نفسه، ذلك أن دراسة شاملة تتطلب أن نحيط باقتاديات الرأسمالية، ثم التحليل الإشتراكى لهذه الاقتصاديات وهذا يشمل دراسة ناريخية للنظم الإقنصادية ثم تحولها إلى الإشتراكية. This study addresses the topic of "Economics of Socialism," a broad subject intertwined with political economy. A comprehensive analysis involves examining capitalist economies through a socialist lens, exploring the evolution of economic systems towards socialism, and understanding the characteristics of socialist production systems. The study delves into fundamental economic issues, such as meeting diverse needs with limited resources, comparing how these issues are addressed in capitalist and socialist systems. It analyzes supply and demand forces and explains price theory in socialism versus capitalism. Additionally, the study emphasizes economic calculation theory and its application in both systems, highlighting the longstanding debate between proponents of planned economies and free-price systems. This debate involves concepts like economic equilibrium and the welfare outcomes of consumer sovereignty, assessing the validity of these ideas in socialist economies