الجزء الأول - الخدمات الصحية فى الجمهورية العربية المتحدة
تتناول هذه الورقة تاريخ تطور الخدمات الصحية فى الجمهورية العربية المتحدة : مرحلة مصر القرعونية - مصرفى مرحلة ما بعد الفراعنة - مصر فى مرحلة ظهور الإسلام In ancient times, Egypt was a hub for medical and chemical sciences, using remedies that proved effective over time. The Pharaohs identified the heart as the center of the circulatory system and studied the connection between pulse and heart function. Early researchers linked ancient Egyptian medicine to magic, but discoveries like the "Edwin Smith Papyrus" revealed advanced practices in diagnosis and surgery. Renowned for mummification, Egyptians gained deep anatomical knowledge, documenting diseases such as bilharzia, arthritis, and polio, along with specific treatments. Their work laid the groundwork for modern medical sciences.