نشرة بحثية للآثار الاقتصادية التى يمكن أن تترتب على تعديل المنوال الحالى للاستغلال الزراعى فى الجمهورية العربية المتحدة

عرض/ افتح
أحمد, عز الدين همام
عبد الرؤوف, محمد محمود
واصفات البيانات
عرض سجل المادة الكاملالخلاصة
لما كان محصول القطن ما زال المحصول الأول فى صادرات البلاد والمصدر الرئيسى الذى تعتمد عليه فى الحصول على العملات الأجنبية كان من الطبيعى أن يفكر المسئولون فى زيادة حجم صادراتخ أملا فى الحصول على المزيد منها One of the main challenges faced by developing countries is securing foreign currencies for development purposes, and the Arab Republic of Egypt has continuously strived to increase its foreign currency reserves through boosting its exports. Cotton, being the primary export commodity, plays a crucial role in earning foreign currency, requiring efforts to enhance its export volume. To achieve this increase, expanding foreign markets and modifying current agricultural practices to increase production is essential. This modification requires a comprehensive assessment of its economic impacts on both agriculture and the national economy to ensure the increased production can be marketed effectively. This research aims to study and track these impacts to assist planners in making informed decisions on this issue