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The Role Of NGOs In Improving Governmental Services At Local Level -“Case study On Markaz El-Fayoum”

dc.contributor.authorعلي, احمد شعبان محمد
dc.contributor.authorAhmed Shaban Mohamed Ali
dc.description.abstractيرتهن تحقيق التنمية بتضافر جهود جميع المؤسسات العاملة داخل المجتمع سواء أكانت الحكومة بمؤسساتها المختلفة أو القطاع الخاص او القطاع الأهلي كل حسب ما هو موكل إليه من إلتزماتوما هو منوط به تقديمه لأفراد هذا المجتمع وعلى رأس تلك المؤسسات الجمعيات الأهلية التي هي موضع إهتمام هذه الدراسة.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study addresses the role of Civil Associations (NGOs) in improving government services at the local level and attempts to develop a more effective role in addition to their contribution to the support of the government efforts to improve services provided to people in Markaz EL-Fayoum. Accordingly, the study provides a number of objectives including the identification of the role of NGOs and the government in development, especially in education, health and environment at the local level. It also seeks to identify the form of partnership between NGOs and the government. Another objective is to monitor obstacles to partnership and finally the development of a proposed conception to support partnership between the government and NGOs to improve education, health and environment services
dc.publisherمعهد التخطيط القومى.en_US
dc.subjectالخدمات التعليميةen_US
dc.subjectجهود الدولةen_US
dc.titleدور الجمعيات الأهلية في تحسين الخدمات الحكومية على المستوى المحليen_US
dc.titleThe Role Of NGOs In Improving Governmental Services At Local Level -“Case study On Markaz El-Fayoum”
dc.title.alternativeدراسة حالة على مركز الفيومen_US

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