أثر إصلاح منظومة الدعم على عجز الموازنة العامة للدولة في مصر
The Impact of Subsidy System Reform on the State Budget Deficit in Egypt
حسين, وائل محمود محمد
Wael Mahmoud Mohamed Hussein
واصفات البيانات
عرض سجل المادة الكاملالخلاصة
تعتبر قضية الدعم أهم القضايا المؤثرة ومثار للجدل في كل الدول بإختلاف أنظمتها السياسية والإجتماعية والإقتصادية ، غير أن الدول النامية ولأسباب عدة تعد الأكثر إحتياجاً لنظم دعم فعالة ، وتمويل مادي أوسع لمكافحة الفقر ، وتوفير سبل الحماية الإجتماعية لشعوبها. This study addresses the impact of subsidy system
reform on the state budget deficit in Egypt. The study is
divided into three chapters as follows:
Chapter One: the state budget deficit and subsidy
system - a theoretical framework
This chapter addresses the concepts and types of
the state budget deficit, and analyzes its economic and
social impact. The first chapter is divided into three
sections. The first section deals with the concepts of the
state budget deficit, evolution of these concepts in
economic thought, and the reasons behind occurrence of
deficit. The second section addresses the economic and
social effects of the state budget deficit in terms of
inflationary and non inflationary financing impact
(withdrawal from the international reserves, domestic
borrowing, and external borrowing). It also surveys the
approaches to managing the deficit; they include the
recipe of the International Monetary Fund to run the
budget deficit, and approaches of public finance