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The National Projects for Agricultural Development in Desert Lands

dc.contributor.authorعبد القادر دياب.ar
dc.contributor.authorAbd ELKadir Deyab
dc.contributor.otherممدوح شرقاوي
dc.contributor.otherهدي النمر وأخرون
dc.descriptionيشتمل على إرجاعات ببليوجرافية.ar
dc.description118 ص. ؛ar
dc.description.abstractتضمنت الدراسة البحث فى مبررات التوسع الزراعي بالأراضي الصحراوية لما لها من ارتباط من تحديد أهداف وتصميم وسياسات تنفيذ وتشغيل هذه المشروعات ، كما تضمنت التعريف بأهداف نماذج المشروعات المختارة للدراسة ومكوناتها الرئيسية.ar
dc.description.abstractAlthough large volume of investment spending is made on national projects of desert land reclamation, these projects are subjects to questioning on the level of performance and achievement of their planned targets. To answer these questions, the study included justifications for agricultural expansion in desert land due to their correlation s, and introduced the objectives of selected projects and their main components. Then, the study analyzed the management systems and policies of implementation and operation of projects under study. Also the study addressed lessons learned from past experiences in new land reclamation and cultivation. The conclusion drawn from the study was to determine which governorates opportunities should be given for its residents to the displacement and settlement in these project areas. Priorities for crops to be cultivated in these areas have been identified too. The study also concludes that projects under investigation were based on the study of technical aspects of land, water and infrastructure of these projects rather than integrated feasibility studies.
dc.publisherمعهد التخطيط القومي،ar
dc.relation.ispartofseriesسلسلة قضايا التخطيط والتنمية ؛
dc.subjectالتنمية الزراعية.ar
dc.subjectالتخطيط الزراعي.ar
dc.subjectالسياسة الزراعية.ar
dc.subjectالأراضي الصحراوية.ar
dc.subjectالمشروعات القومية.ar
dc.titleالمشروعات القومية للتنمية الزراعية فى الأراضي الصحراويةar
dc.titleThe National Projects for Agricultural Development in Desert Lands

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