Now showing items 41-60 of 1348

    • Economic Criteria for Foreign Loans 

      A. Qayoum (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      The main bottleneck in the development of underdeveloped countries is the storage of capital including human capital, technical and managerial skill and entrepreneurial ability. Left of themselves, their rate of development ...
    • Information Systems for Planning and Control. 

      Lombardi, A. Lionello (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      Information progresses are classified in two categories "self contained" and "data base" and at is pointed out that although the ones belonging to the first category are by and large less important to management, they are ...
    • أسس ومبادئ التخطيط القومى 

      احمد الشافعى, محمود (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1966-02)
      التخطيط في أساسه عملية مستمرة تختص بكيفية توزيع الموارد المتاحة وتنظيم استخدامها على المدى الطويل لتحقيق أهداف يتفق على الوصول اليها على المدى الطويل كذلك ، والتخطيط لذلك اسلوب في التفكير والتدبير والتنظيم والتنسيق والتوقيت ...
    • Research on Large Mathematical Systems for Economic Planning of the United Arabic Republic 

      Kronsjo, Tom (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-05)
      Three themes seem to be of immediate importance for the elaboration of an efficient economic planning system for the UAR and the Arab League, which would make use of the most recent results known on the solution of large ...
    • Development Planning: The Sector phase, with Different Gestation Periods 

      Tinbergen, J. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-03)
      1. The Setting of the Problem and the Assumptions Made. In this paper a set of formule and an example are offered for the sector phase of development planning, with special reference to the complications arising from the ...
    • دور الضريبة العربية فى الاستقرار الاقتصادى والاصلاحات اللازمة له 

      السيد, عاطف (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-05)
      لم تعد الضريبة الآن مجرد المورد المالى الذى تلجأ اليه الدولة لتغطية انفاقها العام. بل أصبحت أحد الاركان الاساسية فى الخطة المالية يجد فيها المخطط المالى آداة فعالة للوصول الى أهدافة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وموضوع بحثنا هذا ...
    • بحث تخطيط القوى العاملة للاجل الطويل للجمهورية العربية المتحدة فى الفترة بين (60-1985) : ملخص أولى للتقرير الشامل 

      ., مجموعة تخطيط القوى العاملة للاجل الطويل (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-04)
      الغرض من البحث هو الوصول الى تقديرات للعمالة المطلوبة في قطاعات الاقتصاد المختلفة المدة بين ١٩٦٠ - ١٩٨٥ لكي يبنى على أساسها تطوير نظم التعليم والتدريب بمستوياتها المختلفة في الجمهورية العربية المتحدة لتحقيق ربطها بخطط ...
    • Problems OF Planning of Full Employment for Labour Force and Supply of The Qualified Labour Force for the Country's National Economy (According to the experience of the U.S.R.) 

      Zabelin, N. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-04)
      Aims and targets of labour resources balance: The aim and targets of country's labour resources balance for perspective period is rational of all able to work population in continuously expanding social production and ...
    • Lectures on Production Theory and Techniques 

      Abdul Qayum (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      This is the first draft of my lectures on 'Production Theory and Techniques' prepared on the suggestion of Professor Bent Hansen with whom I had the good fortune to teach the so-called Advanced Economic Theory. As Prof. ...
    • Manpower Problems (General) 

      Foggon, G. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-04)
      The Federation of Nigeria has embarked on a bold and imaginative effort to create a national framework for development integrating the four development plans of the Federal Government and the three regional government into ...
    • On The Matrix Method For Solving Linear-differential Equs 

      Hassan, Ahmad; Fouad, Afaf; El Gindi, Salah (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-05)
      Several methods have been proposed for solving ordinary differential equations which take advantage of the special properties of Chebyshev polynomials. For the sake of completeness, we are going to mention here some of the ...
    • Lecture Notes on Regression Analysis (Part 1) 

      J. Van Rees, C. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-03)
      The term regression was first used by the English statistician Sir Fransis Galton. He related the length of fathers to the length of their sons. He discovered a regression such that tall fathers mostly have tall sons, ...
    • Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) With Computer Application II. PERT/COST 

      Taha, Hamdy; Mongy, Mohamed A. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      In the previous memo. (PERT/TIME), the PERT method was introduced and it was shown how the critical path method (CPM) could be used in preparing the time schedule of the project, in pinpointing the areas in the project ...
    • Long Term Growth of A Developing Economy 

      Qayoum, A. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      Most growth models that have recently appeared are based on assumptions which are more relevant to the developed economies. Two important aspects of these economies are: 1) savings tend to approach a more or less 1) stable ...
    • Information Retrieval; And Its Potential For Progress Of Research In The U.A.R. 

      Mongy, Mohamed A.; Elewa, Aida M.; others (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-04-01)
      This is the first report prepared jointly between the Operations Research Center, Institute of National Planning, and the National Information and Documentation Center, Ministry of Scientific Research, as a result of the ...
    • Time Sharing and Incremental Computation 

      Lombardi, A. Lionello (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      This paper contains a proposal for the design of bulk storage devices suitable for multiple-access computers. Some kind of bulk storage would also -1- allow for implementation effective extensions of memory by means of ...
    • تقرير التنمية العربية : دور البيانات وتوافرها فى دعم عملية التنمية فى الدول العربية 

      بلقاسم, العباس; أبو على, هالة; وآخرون (معهد التخطيط القومى، المعهد العربى للتخطيط بالكويت, 2024-11-01)
      أصدر المعهد العربي للتخطيط بالتعاون مع معهد التخطيط القومي والجمعية العربية للبحوث الاقتصادية، الإصدار الثامن من تقرير التنمية العربية بعنوان دور البيانات وتوافرها في دعم عملية التنمية في الدول العربية. تعتبر الإحصاءات ...
    • Advanced Compiler Techniques - Lecture Notes 

      Lombardi, A. Lionello (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-05-01)
      Extensions from FORTRAN: a - mixed mode expressions b- Variables with any number of dimensions
    • الجزء الخامس - اقتصاديات الإشتراكية - حول النظام الجديد للتخظيظ والإدارة فى الاقتصاديات الإشتراكية 

      خليل, خليل حسن (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-06-01)
      يعتبر موضوع هذه الدراسة "اقتصاديات الإشتراكية" موضوعا واسعا اتساع علم الاقتصاد السياسى نفسه، ذلك أن الدراسة شاملة تتطلب أن نحيط ياقتصاديات الرأسمالية ثم التحليل الإشتراكى لهذه الاقتصاديات وهذا يشمل دراسة تاريخية للنظم ...
    • A Diagrammatic Representation of the Policy of Accounting Prices 

      Qayum, A. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-03)
      Accounting prices are defined as the set of prices of factors such that if the production is carried out at cost calculations according to these prices, it will lead to the introduction of the optimal technology which ...

      Who we are

      Institute of National Planning (INP) was established by Law No. 231 of 1960 as a think-tank public institution with an independent legal personality to enhance the theory and practice of planning in Egypt through: research, training and educational activities. Also, INP aims at providing technical support to Ministry of Planning, as well as to all national ministers and institutions, through spreading a culture of planning in Egyptian society.

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