استعرض حسب المؤلف "Pavlov, Gely T."
Methods of Calculating Planned Coefficients of Direct inputs / / طرق حساب معاملات المدخلات المباشرة المخططة
Pavlov, Gely T. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1967-03-01)This study explores methods for calculating direct input coefficients in both physical and value terms, emphasizing the challenges of correcting these coefficients. It reviews mechanisms for forming initial economic data ... -
Problems of Analysis for Inter-Branch Relationships in the Planned Inter-Branch Balance / / مشاكل تحليل العلاقات بين الفروع في الموازنة المخططة بين الفروع
Pavlov, Gely T. (INP, 1967-03-01)This study analyzes the volume and structure of the basic elements of the final product, focusing on conditions for expanded reproduction and the distribution of national income. It explores the correlation between ... -
System of Economic Plans, Indicators and Norms/نظام الخطط الاقتصادية والمؤشرات والمعايير
Pavlov, Gely T. (INP, 1966-10-01)The national economic system comprises three key elements: national economic plans, state development indicators, and the normative basis for planning. Standards and norms play a central role in this system, including labor ...