استعرض حسب المؤلف "Linsel, Hermann"
Classification of National Economy / / تصنيف الاقتصاد الوطني
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-01-01)A memorandum by Dr. Manfred Engert was published in June 1964 regarding the classification of industry in socialist countries (Memo No. 450). The memorandum discusses certain issues related to the classification of industry ... -
Contents and Measuring of Labour Productivity in Labour Industry /المحتويات وقياس إنتاجية العمل في الصناعة الا1شتراكية
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1965-10)The study "Labour Productivity in Socialist Industry" highlights the importance of labor productivity in social development. It addresses the factors influencing labor productivity and its growth, such as technology, work ... -
General Organization of Planning in Industry (Second Edition)-Part I: Long-term planning //التنظيم العام للتخطيط في الصناعة (الطبعة الثانية) - الجزء الأول: التخطيط طويل الأجل
Sack, K.; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1966-04)The study discusses the necessity of long-term planning in industry, highlighting its importance for achieving sustainable development. Long-term planning encompasses general contents that include prognostic estimations ... -
General Organization of planning of Industry / / الهيئة العامة لتخطيط الصناعة
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-03-01)The study addresses the importance of long-term planning for scientific and technological progress, outlining the objective foundations and prerequisites necessary for effective planning. It highlights the main methods ... -
General Organization of Planning of Industry Part II / / الهيئة العامة لتخطيط الصناعة الجزء الثاني
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1965-04-01)This study focuses on the annual planning process for industries, emphasizing its role as a crucial tool for managing the national economy. Annual plans derive from long-term prospective plans and aim to improve labor ... -
Management in Socialist Industry and Enterprises (Part II) / / الإدارة في الصناعة والمؤسسات الاشتراكية الجزء الثاني
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (INP, 1965-04-01)The study addresses issues related to the economic position of nationally-owned enterprises and associations, focusing on their management structures. It emphasizes that management structures are not ends in themselves but ... -
Management in Socialist Industry and Enterprises Part I / / لإدارة في الصناعة والمؤسسات الاشتراكية الجزء الأول
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (INP, 1965-04-01)The study addresses the fundamentals of socialist management in industry and enterprises, examining the economic position of public industrial enterprises and nationally-owned associations. It highlights key features of ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part I: Instruments and Indicators)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الأول: الأدوات والمؤشرات)
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1965-11)This study discusses the importance of industrial development in the national economy, highlighting its vital role in promoting economic growth and creating job opportunities. It addresses the instruments and indicators ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part II: Investigation of demand and market)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الثاني: دراسة الطلب والسوق)
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1965-11)This study discusses the procedures of production planning, focusing on the investigation of demand and market. It begins by identifying the contents of the investigation, aiming to understand consumer needs and market ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part III : Planning of Productive Capacity)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الثالث: تخطيط الطاقة الإنتاجية)
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1965-12)This study addresses the planning of productive capacity, starting with the definition of capacity concepts and their significance in enhancing industrial efficiency. It discusses the procedures for calculating productive ... -
PLANNING OF TECHNICAL PROGRESS IN INDUSTRY Part II Planning of temporal progress of research and development / / تخطيط التقدم الفني في الصناعةالجزء الثاني: تخطيط التقدم الزمني في البحث والتطوير
Sack, Kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1966-02-01)The planning of the temporal progress of research and development addresses several key aspects, including general problems that may arise, the application of parallelism in conducting research, and the determination of ... -
Practical Problems of Investment: Planning and Financing // المشاكل العملية للاستثمار: التخطيط والتمويل
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (INP, 1956-06-01)This study addresses the issue of investment financing in practice, focusing on various financing modes such as loans, budgetary funding, or resources from enterprises and associations. The issue arises within the new ... -
Relation of Industrial Sectoral Plans to National Plans / /علاقة الخطط القطاعية الصناعية بالخطط الوطنية
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-03-01)Industry is a key factor that makes countries rich, powerful, and politically independent. Based on this fact, many economists use the share of industry in national gross production to distinguish between developed and ... -
Special Conceptions of Socialist Economy: (Part 1) Conceptions of planning/المفاهيم الخاصة بالاقتصاد الاشتراكي: (الجزء الأول) مفاهيم التخطيط
Sack, kurt; Linsel, Hermann (INP, 1964-12)Special Conceptions of Socialist Economy: Planning.This content explores various concepts related to planning in the socialist economy, including: Conceptions concerning state authorities and leading principles. Conceptions ... -
Special Conceptions of Socialist Economy: (Part 2) Conceptions of Economic Categories/المفاهيم الخاصة بالاقتصاد الاشتراكي: (الجزء الثاني) مفاهيم الفئات الاقتصادية
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (INP, 1964-12)Conceptions of Cost, Credit, Price, and Return in the Socialist Economy|, Prime Cost Prime cost includes: The value of fixed capital used in the production process (depreciations, rents, and leases). The value of working ... -
Stat Budget in Socialist Society and its Function in Planning and Managing the National Economy (on GDR`Example) / / لموازنة العامة في المجتمع الاشتراكي ووظيفتها في التخطيط وإدارة الاقتصاد الوطني (على سبيل المثال جمهورية ألمانيا الديمقراطية)
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-02-01)This study highlights the importance of a uniform state budget in the comprehensive construction of socialism. It begins by analyzing the political and economic foundations of the budget and distinguishes it from capitalist ... -
Theoretical Problems of Investment Planning / /المشاكل النظرية في تخطيط الاستثمار
Linsel, Hermann; Sack, Kurt (INP, 1965-03-01)This study aims to address the theoretical problems of investment planning, focusing on different types of investments, maintenance of fixed assets, and their extension. It begins by defining the main categories of investments ...