الآن تُعرض المواد 118 -- 137 من 1681

    • Macroeconomic implication of food subsides in Egypt 

      Sakr, Ahmed Saker (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1981-11-01)
      This paper represents the contribution of the author in task 1 of the research on food subsidies in Egypt witch is under – taken jointly by the international food policy research institute (IFPRI) and the institute of ...
    • Manpower Planning in Egypt 

      Nassef, Abdel Fattah (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1972-01-01)
      Labor force occupies a central role in the productive process. Lands and capital are essential for production, yet it is the human factor that gives them such essential value. Hence, manpower development is a major target ...
    • manpower requirements for the U.A.R. for the period 1960-1985 

      hamdy, mostafa (the institute of national planning, 1964-05-26)
      the long term manpower planning research is carried out in the institute of national planning by a group supervised by prof. Dr. I. H. Abd El-rahman, the commissioner of industrial development, united nation N.Y. the ...
    • The meaning of capital 

      Robinson, Joan (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-02)
      the controversies over so-called capital theory arose out of the search for a model appropriate to a modern western economy, which would allow for an analysis of accumulation and of the distribution of the net product of ...
    • A method for local and global minimization of concave function under linear consraints 

      Omar, Amani (The Institute Of National Planning., 1981-02)
      Global optimization involves solving mathematical programming problems that may have distinct local optima. In this paper, I present a method for locating a global minimum (maximum) of a concave (convex) function subjected ...
    • Methodes d Optimisation sans les Problemes Non-Lineaires de Flot et de Transport 

      Youssef, Mohamed Yehia (1979-05-01)
      L'optimisation du cout dans un problem de flot ou de transport est classique en programation lineaire, mais a ete peu etudiee lorsque le cout ent fonction non lineaire des variables. R. Beliman a donne une solution ...
    • Methods of construction of the national plan 

      Kulczycki, Arek (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-10)
      The geographical structure of the plan shows the place of production of a given commodity, a planet, a town, a district, a country, a group of countries etc.
    • A model for distribution of resources in multi-projects 

      Abdel Rahman, Yehia (The Institute of National Planning, 1989-03)
      One of the common problems which faces a production or a construction firm, is to distribute its resources on its different projects. There will be no problem, if the resources were enough to cover the needs of all projecie. ...
    • A model for the integration of health and nutrition planning 

      Correa, Hector; Hassouna, Wafik A. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1978-03)
      I numerous applications of mathematical techniques for decision-making to the administration of health facilities are available, covering a wide variety of questions dealing with localisation of health care facilities, use ...

      Frisch, Ragnar. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1963-12)
      Dr. Nazih Deif of the ministry of national planning and Dr Salah Hamid of the institute of national planning have cooperated on an analysis of the investment requirements that are due to a given time shape of current final ...
    • a model to develop Egyptian agriculture to solve the problem of unemployment and low per capital income in Egyptian agriculture 

      arman, I. M. I. (The institute of national planning., 1982-01)
      this paper describes research into an optimization model for Egyptian agriculture using computerized linear programming techniques which could greatly increase labour absorption,whilst requiring very little capital, and ...
    • Models used in Drafting The 20-Years Plan (1959-1978) 

      M. El-Imam, M. (معهد التخطيط القومى, 1962-12-03)
    • monetary theories of interest in the sixties:a survey 

      al-jarhi, mabid ali (the institute of national planning, 1975-12)
      during the last decade,monetary theories of interest continued to develop into two main parts. one is the theory of the rate of interest. another is the theoretical and empirical controversy over the term structure of ...
    • Multi-objective linear programming 

      Hamza, Abdel-Kader (The Institute Of National Planning., 1979-03)
      This paper attempts to apply of mathematical programming to the analysis of economic problems and the elaboration of algorithm and programms for solving economic models. such models provide us with analysis of national ...
    • Multi-Parametric linear programming 

      hamza, Abdel-Kader (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-10)
      It is expected that the programming techniques that will be useful resolve. different problems in different fields will differ from the classical techniques. Since the increase computer capability will enable to develop ...
    • A multiobjective optimization model for the new cities and settlements of Sinai 

      Omar, Amani (The Institute of National Planning, 1988-10)
      Selecting tracts of land fo development settlements, reaction of towns, industrial parks, air field or many other uses may be considered as a land allocation problem.

      Dajani, Said. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1962-08-24)
      the Jordan government statistical department has recently decided to undertake a study of the national income for the year 1959 and for earlier years if it proves possible to obtain sufficiently reliable data.
    • the national income of the U.A.R (Egypt). 

      Hansen, Bent.; Mead, Donald. (The Institute Of National Planning., 1963-07-21)
      several estimates of national income in Egypt are available. apart from period 1937- to 1962 . due to differences in definition they are not directly comparable, and at first glance they show rather disparate levels and ...
    • a new approach for pricing agricultural land in egypt considering policy reforms and environmental concepts 

      nagwan s. abd el wahab. (the institute of national planning, 1998-06-01)
      In March 1990, the Egyptian government launched a comprehensive economic and social reform program, to strengthen Egypt’s ongoing adjustment program; it constitutes a major break from central planning and state ownership ...
    • new urban centers in the rid zones the case of the south region of Egypt 

      bassiouni, mohamed salah (The Institute Of National Planning., 1983-04)
      The arid zones are commanding attention today. The world has begun to realize the vast mineral wealth and the enormous solar energy potential they contain. Many see the arid lands and deserts as the world's last great ...