Now showing items 1-9 of 9
the experience of socialist countries (especially of czechoslovakia) with monetary planning from aspect of savings
(the institute of national planning, 1975-05)
all the socialist countries have gained a lot of experience in monetary planning and to a certain degree in planning of savings. at the same account there are some specific features of the development in monetary sphere ...
system of indicators of economic efficiency of social production used in practice of the ussr planning
(the institute of national planning, 1975-06)
determination of economic efficiency of planning decisions adopted is a fundamental problem of planning at the present stage of development. data on economic efficiency provide possibilities of measuring ratios of expenditures ...
the system of indicators of economic efficiency of social production used in socialist planning (abstract).
(the institute of national planning, 1975-06)
evaluation of economic efficiency of planned decisions adopted is the fundamental problem of planning at the present stage of development. it provides opportunities of determining correlation between expenditures and results ...
planning of industrial production in the ussr
(the institute of national planning, 1975-06)
the main target of industrial planning is to strengthen the socialist economy industrial base with a view to meet more completely the soviet people's requirements, proportional development and improvement the structure of ...
estimation of needs and demands for health services and formulation of the health plan
(the institute of national planning, 1975-08)
good health is one of an individual's most highly prized possessions. it is a deep and intimate concern. it stands first and foremost as something to be preserved in its own right. regardless of variations in cultural ...
price planning in socialism (bases and possibilities - its preparation, implementation and organization at the case of the german democratic)
(the institute of national planning, 1975-12)
the relative efficiency of interest-free monetary economies
(the institute of national planning, 1976-06)
in a free market economy, interest is the of price of money. it is the price at which the "producers" of money sell their "output". since this price depends on the quantities of money supplied, its determination raises the ...
planning the volume of investment in the long-run period
(the institute of national planning, 1976-11)
problems of finding the most suitable method for the determination of the volume of investment in the long-run period have not yet been sufficiently solved the theoretical studies and concept presented by a number of authors ...
planning in hungary
(the institute of national planning, 1977-05)
the postwar result of the hungarian economy are closely linked to the development of national planning. the first three-year plan guided the reconstruction of the economy it repaired war damage and regained the prewar level ...