Now showing items 21-35 of 35
price planning in socialism (bases and possibilities - its preparation, implementation and organization at the case of the german democratic)
(the institute of national planning, 1975-12)
Pre-UNCTAD IV seminar on the new international economic order and unctad IV
(the institute of national planning, 1975-12)
the center of international economic relations at INP received a request from the UNCTAD secretariat dated aug.14, to hold a national per-UNCTAD Iv seminar, the center responded by informing interested groups and scholars. ...
monetary theories of interest in the sixties:a survey
(the institute of national planning, 1975-12)
during the last decade,monetary theories of interest continued to develop into two main parts. one is the theory of the rate of interest. another is the theoretical and empirical controversy over the term structure of ...
fife model in french planning
(the institute of national planning, 1976-04)
the word mixed economy applies only partly to the french to the situation: for the productive sector is mostly operating under the general conditions of a free competitive system, as the majority of firms are private-owned ...
a systems approach to territoriality organized management
(the institute of national planning, 1976-07)
in every socialist revolution, after the proletariat has solved the problem of capturing power there necessarily comes to the forefront the fundamental task of creating a social system superior to capitalism, namely raising ...
planning financial flows in the egyption banking sector
(the institute of national planning, 1976-08)
the egyptian banking sector was completely nationalized in 1961. a search is going on to establish the sector's mode of operation under the new circumstances. resources mobilized and created by banks are to be utilized to ...
the relative efficiency of interest-free monetary economies
(the institute of national planning, 1976-06)
in a free market economy, interest is the of price of money. it is the price at which the "producers" of money sell their "output". since this price depends on the quantities of money supplied, its determination raises the ...
evaluation of investment efficiency in czechoslovakia
(the institute of national planning, 1976-11)
evaluation of investment projects is one of the essential elements of investment planning. criteria and methodology applied significantly influence the decision-making of all the institutions involved in investment ...
planning the volume of investment in the long-run period
(the institute of national planning, 1976-11)
problems of finding the most suitable method for the determination of the volume of investment in the long-run period have not yet been sufficiently solved the theoretical studies and concept presented by a number of authors ...
the policy of retail price stability
(the institute of national planning, 1977-02)
economic policy of the socialist state is characterized by effort to maintain the stable level of retail prices. this policy is based not only on economic argument connected with the problem of inflation, but also on ...
a model to develop Egyptian agriculture to solve the problem of unemployment and low per capital income in Egyptian agriculture
(The institute of national planning., 1982-01)
this paper describes research into an optimization model for Egyptian agriculture using computerized linear programming techniques which could greatly increase labour absorption,whilst requiring very little capital, and ...
a program of action to rationalize the performance of the Egyptian steel industry (1975 - 1985)
(The institute of national planning., 1982-02)
this study is motivated by an expertise report on the metallurgical industry in Egypt : Atkins planning, the expertise work was meant as a strategy for the development of the industry till 1985.
basic principles of the economic system of planning and managing of national economy in socialist countries
(the institute of national planning, 1964-10)
before starting with explanation of special problems of industrial planning in socialist countries, this memo .deals with the basic principles of the economic system of planning and managing the national economy in socialist ...
planning in hungary
(the institute of national planning, 1977-05)
the postwar result of the hungarian economy are closely linked to the development of national planning. the first three-year plan guided the reconstruction of the economy it repaired war damage and regained the prewar level ...
Methods of Planning the Rise of the Standard of Living in U.R.SS / أ ساليب التخطيط لرفع مستوى المعيشةالاتحاد السوفيتى
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1963-05-08)
This text explores living standards as a complex social category influenced by economic and natural factors, alongside social systems and national characteristics. Soviet state plans outline indices reflecting the material ...