2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية
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Numerical Control Series Post Processors/معالجات عمليات اجهزة الكمبيوتر ما بعد سلسلة التحكم العددي
(INP, 1969-05)Before we can employ a computer, to generate tapes for numerically controlled machine tools we need to be assured that we have a complete programming system available for the machine tools, control systems and computer, ... -
On the Machine Interference Problem/حول مشكلة تدخل الالات
(INP, 1969)In one of the Job-shops, there are about 20-30 machines in operation. Due to fatigue and aging, those machines are subject to breakdown. Some repairmen are maintained on the regular payroll in order to restore the machines ... -
الرقابة الاحصائية لجودة الانتاج/Statistical Quality Control.
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1969-05)ان السبب الاساسي في استخدام المبادئ والأسس الاحصائية لمراقبة جودة الانتاج يرجع الى أن جودة المنتجات تتوقف على عوامل عشوائية بالاضافة الى العوامل السببية . فالعوامل السببية Assignable Causes مثل نوع الآلة أو مهارة العامل ... -
نظرية الصفوف وتطبيقاتها/ Queuing Theory and its Applications.
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 5-1969.)يقصد بنظرية الصفوف الوصول التتابعى لطلبات يراد خدمتها . فاذا كان معدل تأدية الخدمة أقل من معدل وصول الطلبات فان على بعض هذه الطلبات ان تنظر لتأدية الخدمة لها مكونة صف أمام أجهزة الخدمة .الهدف من النظرية هو دراسة الخدمات ... -
دراسات في المحاسبة الاجتماعية - الجزء الأول / / Studies in Social Accounting - Part One
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1970-08-01)This study explores the concept and objectives of social accounting, focusing on its role in analyzing economic and social relationships within society. It examines the impact of market systems and planning on the development ... -
Process Control Series Process Control software/برامج الكمبيوتر للتحكم فى العمليات: سلسلة التحكم فى عمليات الكمبيوتر
(INP, 3-1969.)Process environment dictates the design of process computer software. This environment may involve chemical synthesis, metal rolling, steam power production, or any process susceptible to computer control. Functions of a ... -
Industrialization Strategy in Egypt and the New International Economic Order / / استراتيجية التصنيع في مصر والنظام الاقتصادي الدولي الجديد
(INP, 1979-08-01)The international division of labor originates from a long historical evolution beginning in the 17th century with the rise of nation-states in Western Europe and their competition to conquer territories and establish ... -
Assessing The Educational Needs / / تقييم الاحتياجات التعليمية
(INP, 1965-06-03)The study highlights that the concept of "need" only makes sense in relation to goals or objectives, and this applies to education as well. It is impossible to determine what is "necessary" or "desirable" in education for ... -
Programming Languages / / لغات البرمجة
(INP, 1965)The study introduces a novel structure for digital computer programming languages aimed at information retrieval and file processing applications. This structure incorporates common aspects into the compiler, enabling ... -
The Economico - Political Background on the Planning of International Trade / / الخلفية الاقتصادية والسياسية لتخطيط التجارة الدولية
(INP, 1965-05-01)The study explores the concept of planning in international trade, highlighting its diverse meanings today. With scientific and practical advancements, some terms that were once precise have become less clear due to the ... -
Decision Making Systems in Management / / نظم اتخاذ القرار في الإدارة
(INP, 1965-04-01)The modern concept of management is considered both an art and a science. It is the art of working with and through people to achieve goals and control actions, blending leadership and management. Leadership is defined as ... -
Financing of Nationally-Owned Industries in the GDR/تمويل الصناعات المملوكة وطنياً في جمهورية ألمانيا الديمقراطية
(INP, 1967-12)The Study discusses the financial flow of the industrial reproduction process subjected to planning and management, covering several main topics. It begins with an introduction addressing the financial flow at the enterprise ... -
Theoretical Problems of Investment Planning / /المشاكل النظرية في تخطيط الاستثمار
(INP, 1965-03-01)This study aims to address the theoretical problems of investment planning, focusing on different types of investments, maintenance of fixed assets, and their extension. It begins by defining the main categories of investments ... -
The New Progressive Changes in Planned Management of The National Economy Experimented in the Present Time in Czechoslovakia // التغييرات التقدمية الجديدة في الإدارة المخططة للاقتصاد الوطني التي تم تجربتها في الوقت الحاضر في تشيكوسلوفاكيا
(INP, 1965-03-01)After World War II, Czechoslovakia's national economy experienced rapid growth, focusing on industrial development, with industrial production and national income significantly surpassing 1937 levels. However, economic ... -
اقتصاديات الحرب والتعبئة/War Economics and Mobilization
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1967-11)اتضح للعالم أجمع أن قوي العدوان تتجمع من داخل منطقة الشرق الأوسط ومن خارجها, مهددة أمن دول المنطقة و استقلالها, قامت أسرة المعهد القومى للادارة العليا بتنظيم سلسلة من الندوات لمعالجة جوانب الموقف المترتب علي ذلك التهديد السافر -
General Organization of Planning of Industry Part II / / الهيئة العامة لتخطيط الصناعة الجزء الثاني
(INP, 1965-04-01)This study focuses on the annual planning process for industries, emphasizing its role as a crucial tool for managing the national economy. Annual plans derive from long-term prospective plans and aim to improve labor ... -
Savings in the UAR (Egypt) 1938/39 -1945/49 62/63/ - / الادخار في الجمهورية العربية المتحدة (مصر) 1938/39 -1945/49 62/63
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-03-01)Bent Hansen's study explores savings in the Kingdom of Egypt during the periods 1938/39 and 1945/46 to 1962/63. It examines methods for defining and measuring public and private savings, focusing on the relationship between ... -
Cost-of-Living Index foe Rural Labourers, 1913-61 / / مؤشر تكلفة المعيشة للعمال الريفيين، 1913-1961
(INP, 1965-04-01)This study focuses on calculating a cost-of-living index for rural agricultural laborers between 1913 and 1961. The purpose of the index is to deflate the nominal wages of agricultural laborers to reflect real wages in ... -
Notes on Statistical Methods/ / ملاحظات حول الأساليب الإحصائية
(INP, 1965-03-09)The study explores the concept of random events in statistical experiments, categorizing them into simple and compound events. Simple events are represented as points in an observation space, while compound events are ... -
Rural Employment Project Control Coding Operations Program / / برنامج عمليات ترميز التحكم في مشروع التشغيل الريفي
(INP, 1965-03-01)This study aims to provide a comprehensive program for processing electronic card data, focusing on explaining the expressions used within the program, the format of card columns, and a summary of the program through an ...