Browsing 2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية by Title
Now showing items 441-460 of 1264
Savings in the UAR (Egypt) 1938/39 -1945/49 62/63/ - / الادخار في الجمهورية العربية المتحدة (مصر) 1938/39 -1945/49 62/63
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-03-01)Bent Hansen's study explores savings in the Kingdom of Egypt during the periods 1938/39 and 1945/46 to 1962/63. It examines methods for defining and measuring public and private savings, focusing on the relationship between ... -
Scope of Application of Quantitative Analysis in Oil Industry/نطاق تطبيق التحليل الكمي في صناعة النفط
(INP, 1972-11)يغطي نطاق تطبيق التحليل الكمي في صناعة النفط جميع مراحل الصناعة، بدءًا من الاستكشاف وحتى تسويق المنتجات المكررة. وقد ساهم ذلك في تقليل التناقضات بين المستويات الإدارية المختلفة من جهة، وتعزيز الاستخدام الأمثل للموارد الوطنية ... -
The Seasonal Employment Profile in Egyptian Agriculture
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-10-01)The present paper contains a revision and extension of an estimate of labour requirements in Egyptian Agriculture earlier carried out and published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo. The estimate of the Ministry of ... -
The Seasonal Employment Profile in Egyptian Agriculture/الملف الموسمي للتوظيف في الزراعة المصرية
(INP, 1964-10)Report Contents Introductory: General introduction to the topic. Concepts and Measurements: Explanation of key definitions and methods used for performance or productivity measurement. Results: Presentation of the main ... -
A Selected Annotated Bibliography of United Nations Publications and Documents on General and Methodological Aspects of Development Planning, 1955-1965/قائمة مختارة من المراجع المشروحة للمنشورات والمستندات التابعة للأمم المتحدة حول الجوانب العامة والمنهجية للتخطيط التنموي، 1955-1965
(INP, 1966-05)The text discusses General Planning Studies, focusing on the methodology of development planning. It begins by highlighting general planning methodology and reviews aggregative models, input-output techniques, linear ... -
Selected Bibliography of Recent Econometric Research /قائمة مختارة من مراجع احدث الابحاث فى علم الإقتصاد السياسى.
(INP, 1967-04)This study addresses the challenge of designing economic policies that meet the requirements of consistency and accuracy. So, “” Econometrics”” has emerged as a field to tackle these issues as the study aims to provide a ... -
Selected Bibliography on Financing of Development and Related Fields/ ببليوجرافيا ( فهرس مراجع ) مختارة عن تمويل التنمية والمجالات المتصلة بها
(The Institute of National Planning, 1968-03-01)Since its establishment, the Documentation Center of the Institute of National Planning realized the importance of bibliographical tools as an integral part of economic and social research. On the occasion of the Course ... -
Selected Bibliography on Methods Planning/مختارات من المراجع حول طرق التخطيط
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-03)Selected Bibliography on Methods Planning -
Short Term Financial Planning and the Market Equilibrium/التخطيط المالي قصير الأجل وتوازن السوق
(INP, 1964-11)The study explores the relationship between material and monetary aspects in central economic planning, where a strict balance is typically maintained between planned supplies of goods and services and their corresponding ... -
Simon's decisional framework: Its relationship to empirical research
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1980-07)In surveying the literature which has been written since 1945, the year when Herbert A. Simon's Administrative Behavior was first edited, it becomes apparent that there is a linkup between Simon's theory and empirical ... -
A Simple Financial Model on the Egyptian Economy
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1973-01-01)The aim of this model is to examine empirically the relationship between the real and financial sides of the Egyptian economy in its long-term economic growth. In a basic context of mutual interdependence between various ... -
A Simple Financial Model on The Egyptian Economy/نموذج مالي بسيط عن الاقتصاد المصري
(INP, 1973-02)تقدم الدراسة نموذجًا مبسطًا لتحليل الاقتصاد المصري من منظور مالي. تتناول المقدمة النظرة العامة والغرض من الدراسة ونطاقها. توضح الدراسة المفاهيم الأساسية والخصائص المميزة للمالية في الاقتصاد الاشتراكي، مثل الطابع الموضوعي ... -
a simple method for short-term fore costing
(the institute of national planning, 1976-09)it is well known that statistics can provide management with statistical estimations of the development in the next future. there are many methods of statistical forecasting in all countries which often require a big amount ... -
Size of Foreign Loan, Annual Repayment, and Exchange Rate in Programs of Economic Development/حجم القرض الخارجي، السداد السنوي، وسعر الصرف في برامج التنمية الاقتصادية
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-06)The study discusses the challenges countries face before deciding to borrow for economic development. The borrowing country must consider the willingness of lending countries to lend and the extent of that willingness. ... -
Smeet1: A Simultaneity Model of the Egyptian Economy with Special Emphasis on Economic Demographic Interactions
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1977-12-01)The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has embarked on a series of methodological studies, under the suspicies of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) focusing on the interaction ... -
A social accounting matrix for Egypt
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1979-09)Data preparation and organization has always been recognized as a necessary prerequisite for development planning. Both literature and practice point out that for purposes, a social accounting matrix provides a useful ... -
Social aspects of regional development
(The Institute of National Planning, 1986-09)It's an important to set out the major social issues that are likely to arise in planning for regional development. The term "Social aspects of regional development" has been understood to refer to the social relationships ... -
Social Development Planning
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1974-09-01) -
Social Insurance and Socioeconomic Development in UAR
(The Institute of National Planning, 1967-03-01)Social insurance programs are basically designed to alleviate the financial burden of the loss of income and expense resulting from premature death, disability, sickess, unemployment and old age. Therefore, social insurance ... -
Socialist Finance. (Basic Problems of the Theory and Practice of Finance in Poland)/المالية الاشتراكية (المشاكل الأساسية لنظرية وممارسة المالية في بولندا)
(INP, 1973-02)تناقش الدراسة موضوع المالية الاشتراكية من خلال استعراض شامل يوضح هدفها ونطاقها، مع تقديم المفاهيم الأساسية. تتناول الخصائص المميزة للمالية في الاقتصاد الاشتراكي، بما في ذلك موضوعتها وشموليتها وتجانسها وطبيعتها التخطيطية ...