Browsing 2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية by Title
Now showing items 355-374 of 1264
P E R T \ C P M
(The Institute of National Planning, 1988-03)A few years ago, we carried out a large-scale project (construction of bridge) with PERT\CPM technique (we call it Activity-on-arrow Approach). -
Patterns of Industrialization and the Choice of the Production Technique in Developing Countries / أنماط التصنيع واختيار تقنية الإنتاج في الدول النامية
(INP, 1974-04)This study outlines the definition of industrialization and its importance with relevance to developing countries. Then, the study mentions the structure of manufacturing industries and the choice of production techniques. ... -
PERT \ CPM techniques in planning and monitoring some agriculture projects
(The Institute of National Planning, 1988-03)This paper aims at providing the reader with the applications of Network Analysis Techniques to planning in general and to the Agricultural sector in particular. n it also aims to treat the lack of essential details ( ... -
philosophy, practice, and some problems of priority of regional cooperation
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-03)The complicated, sensitive, and interrelated global economic. political, and social systems which underpin modern societies are hardly governable at present; and that they will maintain so unless and until, on the one hand, ... -
plan indicators of improvement of people's living standard and methods of elaboration of most important indicators thereof
(the institute of national planning, 1975-05)improvement of people's living standard is the major goal of socialist production development. this goal is reflected in a number of state plan sections and foremost in the aggregate plan section on improvement of people's ... -
Planning and Necessary Changes
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1973-03-01)Planning of national development has become widespread: all the third world countries, since the second world war and since the achievement of independence. -
planning financial flows in the egyption banking sector
(the institute of national planning, 1976-08)the egyptian banking sector was completely nationalized in 1961. a search is going on to establish the sector's mode of operation under the new circumstances. resources mobilized and created by banks are to be utilized to ... -
planning in hungary
(the institute of national planning, 1977-05)the postwar result of the hungarian economy are closely linked to the development of national planning. the first three-year plan guided the reconstruction of the economy it repaired war damage and regained the prewar level ... -
planning in the U.A.R. in agriculture
(the institute of national planning, 1962-04-05)in the previous paper 1 i have tried to give a brief idea about agriculture in the U.A.R. at various stages within the period of the last twenty years. mention was made to condition which existed in agriculture before 1952, ... -
Planning manpower and Education with an equilibrium and decision model
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1975-05-01)We need rules for allocating efficiently both manpower and education services. And we would like that our plan could give us some incentives for inducing people to join the right jobs. So we have to build up a general ... -
Planning of Industrial Development in U.A.R / / تخطيط التنمية الصناعية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-03-01)The study indicates that the revolution of July 1952 led to significant attention to industrial development in Egypt. Consequently, industrial production has shown remarkable progress over the last decade. It has also been ... -
planning of industrial production in the ussr
(the institute of national planning, 1975-06)the main target of industrial planning is to strengthen the socialist economy industrial base with a view to meet more completely the soviet people's requirements, proportional development and improvement the structure of ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part I: Instruments and Indicators)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الأول: الأدوات والمؤشرات)
(INP, 1965-11)This study discusses the importance of industrial development in the national economy, highlighting its vital role in promoting economic growth and creating job opportunities. It addresses the instruments and indicators ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part II: Investigation of demand and market)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الثاني: دراسة الطلب والسوق)
(INP, 1965-11)This study discusses the procedures of production planning, focusing on the investigation of demand and market. It begins by identifying the contents of the investigation, aiming to understand consumer needs and market ... -
Planning of Production in Socialist Industry (Part III : Planning of Productive Capacity)/تخطيط الإنتاج في الصناعة الاشتراكية (الجزء الثالث: تخطيط الطاقة الإنتاجية)
(INP, 1965-12)This study addresses the planning of productive capacity, starting with the definition of capacity concepts and their significance in enhancing industrial efficiency. It discusses the procedures for calculating productive ... -
PLANNING OF TECHNICAL PROGRESS IN INDUSTRY Part II Planning of temporal progress of research and development/تخطيط التقدم الفني في الصناعة الجزء الثاني: تخطيط التقدم الزمني في البحث والتطوير
(INP, 1966-02)يتناول التخطيط للتقدم الزمني في البحث والتطوير عدة جوانب مهمة، بما في ذلك المشاكل العامة التي قد تواجهها هذه العملية، وتطبيق التوازي في تنفيذ الأبحاث، وتحديد التسلسل الزمني للأنشطة البحثية. كما يتطلب الأمر حساب وتوازن ... -
Planning of the production of consumer goods
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1975-06-01)Improvement of welfare in the working people is an objective prerequisite of increase of population goods for consumption -
Planning strategies for development of new items
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1979-03)In the following we deal with parallel - Planning strategies for the development of a new item. let us assume that several proposals for developing the new items are available. -
planning the volume of investment in the long-run period
(the institute of national planning, 1976-11)problems of finding the most suitable method for the determination of the volume of investment in the long-run period have not yet been sufficiently solved the theoretical studies and concept presented by a number of authors ... -
the policy of retail price stability
(the institute of national planning, 1977-02)economic policy of the socialist state is characterized by effort to maintain the stable level of retail prices. this policy is based not only on economic argument connected with the problem of inflation, but also on ...