Browsing 2. External Memo /سلسلة المذكرات الخارجية by Title
Now showing items 184-203 of 1264
impact of American foreign trade on smaller economies
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1982-06)In a large economy like the American economy with total imports a small proportion of output it is expected a prior that major sources of inflation would be domestic rather than imported» It is further expected that the ... -
The Impact of Licences loans and Foreign Trade/ أثر قروض التراخيص والتجارة الخارجية
(The Institute of National Planning, 1967-06-01)The purpose of this paper is to answer some basic questions which are just under discussion in the UAR, The process of industrialization is not like a weekend trip because serious constraints have to be solved in order to ... -
The Impact of Small and Large Numbers oh Children on the Health and Welfare of Individual Families
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1972-05-01)The aim of this paper and the aim of other micro studies for this conference is to provide some new factual. Insights into the under-standing of the relationship of family size, goals, and achievements to family aspirations ... -
Imports Requirement For Exports Plan/متطلبات الواردات لخطة الصادرات
(INP, 1965-08)The study provides an introduction to a specific model aimed at analyzing import requirements within the framework of an export plan. It starts by presenting the basic model that illustrates the relationships between imports ... -
(INP, 1965-11)تشمل العوامل التي تؤثر في التنمية الصناعية في البلدان الأقل نمواً الموارد الطبيعية، التكاليف النسبية، وحجم السوق. ومع ذلك، يجب الإشارة إلى عامل إضافي، وهو أن التنمية الصناعية في هذه البلدان قد تساهم بشكل أكبر في خلق وظائف ... -
Industrialization and organisation in Hungarian agriculture
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1997-05-01)The present paper surveys the new phenomena accurred in course of the last on-and-a-half decades within the development of Hungarian agriculture concerning many aspects -
Industrialization Strategy in Egypt and the New International Economic Order / / استراتيجية التصنيع في مصر والنظام الاقتصادي الدولي الجديد
(INP, 1979-08-01)The international division of labor originates from a long historical evolution beginning in the 17th century with the rise of nation-states in Western Europe and their competition to conquer territories and establish ... -
Information Retrieval; And Its Potential For Progress Of Research In The U.A.R.
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1965-04-01)This is the first report prepared jointly between the Operations Research Center, Institute of National Planning, and the National Information and Documentation Center, Ministry of Scientific Research, as a result of the ... -
Information Retrieval; And Its Potential For Progress Of Research In The U.A.R./استرجاع المعلومات وإمكاناته لدفع تقدم البحث في الجمهورية العربية المتحدة
(INP, 1965-04)Information Retrieval and Its Potential for Research Progress in the U.A.R. This report explores the importance of information retrieval and its impact on advancing scientific research in the U.A.R., addressing the following ... -
An information system for personal management system
(The Institute of National Planning, 1989-05)This memo. is divided into two main parts of three chapters. Part one which comprises chapter 1 discusses the programming considerations and emphasize on advanced techniques for maximizing the speed and performance of ... -
Information Systems for Planning and Control./ / أنظمة المعلومات للتخطيط والرقابة.
(INP, 1965-05-01)Information progresses are classified in two categories "self contained" and "data base" and at is pointed out that although the ones belonging to the first category are by and large less important to management, they are ... -
INP database management system
(The Institute of National Planning, 1988-06)INFORMATION in industry , commerce , planning , . . . , etc can be as vital as finance . Development may depend on efficiency of management of information , and efficiency , in turn , may depend on computerization . . The ... -
Input - Output - Tables/ جداول المدخلات و المخرجات
(The Institute of National Planning, 1967-09-01)Emplacement balances or input-output tables are instruments to safe guard a planned and proportional development of the economy. Furthermore they are important and necessary prerequisite of optimation. Their application ... -
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1963-08-19)Dr. Nazih Deif and his group, of the ministry of the national planning, has constructed recently, an input/output table for the year 1962. the operation research group has the opportunity of working out collaboration with ... -
Inseeking by the Nonplex Method in Non-Linear Programming / / البحث باستخدام طريقة نونبلكس في البرمجة غير الخطية
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1964-02-18)The study explores the significance of the infrastructure effect (Infra-effect) in national planning and how investments influence the coefficients in a national planning model. The concept is elaborated in a memorandum ... -
The Institutional Framework of Socialist Foreign Trade Planning and the Way of Drawing Up the Plan
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1971-05-01)This is the 2nd paper in the series of memos, dealing with socialist foreign trade planning. The basis of the organization of foreign trade in all socialist countries is the State monopoly of foreign trade. In conformity ... -
An Integrated Frame - Work for Experimental Investigation by simulation Models
(معهد التخطيط القومى, 1984-01-01)The purpose of this paper to develop an integrated framework for investigating, management systems by simulation technique and to find satisfactory solutions to problem that we might face when experimenting simulations model. -
an integrated frame - work for experimental investigation by simulation models
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1984-01)The use of computer simulation technique to conduct artificial experiments on numerical models of' complex systems, is an increasingly important tool in many disciplines today. Computer simulation offers many features that ... -
The Integration of The State Insurance into the Economic System of The German Democratic Republic
(The Institute of National Planning, 1970-03-01)The economic system of socialism is a system of the conscious use of the economic laws of socialism by the state under the leading of the perty of the working class. This includes the active participation of all workmen ... -
International coordination of plans of development amongst the socialist countries
(The Institute Of National Planning., 1962-11-24)It has become evident that national economic activities in general and planning in particular are more and more linked with international problems in this field going beyond foreign trade matters.this is entirely true with ...